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  • Forseti

    Heilige Welt → English translation

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Heilige Welt

Rauschend wehen Winde
noch durch graue Nacht,
Doch in fahlem Lichte
bald die Welt erwacht.
Zögernd erste Hoffnung
in den Morgen flieht
Und ein Hauch vom Leben
still vorüberzieht.
Längst vergessen, doch im Herzen fest verwurzelt lebt
Tiefer Drang nach Unerschöpflichkeit.
Und die Kräfte der Natur sie werden auferstehen.
Ewiglich die Erde neu gedeiht, ewig neu gedeiht.
Feuer muß brennen,
Flammen lodern durch die Nacht.
Wasser muß fließen,
ungezähmte heil`ge Kraft.
Erde muß wachsen,
dass des Lebens Korn gedeiht.
Durch nebelgraue Lüfte zieht
ein Raunen von Unsterblichkeit.
Was des Todes Wert geworden, stetig neu erblüht.
Unaufhaltsam wandelt sich die Welt.
Wie von Feuersbrunst ein Stoß durch ihre Adern glüht.
Heilig sei der Erden Traum erhellt.
Durch die Berge, durch die Wälder
hallt ein kräftig Klang empor,
Kündet uns von neuem Leben,
zeigt uns, was der Mensch verlor.
Rasend geht es durch die Erde,
wie ein Beben steigt es auf,
Himmelwärts ein Licht sich hebet,
laßt dem Schicksal freien Lauf.

Holy World

Rustling winds blow
still throughout (the) grey night.
Though in pale light
soon the earth awakes.
Hesitant first hope
flows into the morning
And a touch of life
silently passes by.
Long forgotten, but strongly rooted in the heart, lives
A deep yearning for inexhaustibility.
And the powers of nature, they will rise again.
Eternally the earth rethrives, forever flourishes anew.
Fire has to burn,
Flames blazing through the night.
Water has to flow
untamed holy force.
Earth has to grow,
to make the corn of life flourish.
Through fog coloured skies flows
murmur of immortality.
What became worthy of death, blooms constantly anew
Unstoppable the world turns.
How, from conflagration, a pulse glows in your veins.
May the worlds dream be sacredly elucidated.
Through the mountains, through the woods
a solid tone emerges,
Announces the new life,
reveals to us, what humans (have) lost.
Furiously it runs throughout the earth
Like a tremor (quake) it emerges,
Heavenwards a glow enlightens *
setting free the destiny.
Forseti: Top 3
TrampGuyTrampGuy    Tue, 15/01/2013 - 21:58

Thanks again :) how do you like the songs?

   Tue, 15/01/2013 - 22:05

actually I find them quite remarkable and poetic. Especially in German.

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Tue, 15/01/2013 - 22:13

Glad you like them :)
I'll try and get some German natives to rate your work, as I feel uncomfortable doing it with my poor German :)

   Tue, 15/01/2013 - 22:19

I grew up in Germany so I'm sort of half-native, I never really know what to put when they ask mother tongue since we spoke a lot of languages simultaneously in our house :) Anyway I'm sure a 100% native German still living in Germany (as opposed to me atm) can suggest more improvements! Good luck!

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Tue, 15/01/2013 - 22:28

Oh no, I wasn't implying your German is not good enough or that you're not native speaker. I just wanted to get other users to help/rate or just see your translation. Naturally, when asking for such help I go for the natives first , which is why I wrote "I'll get some natives..." not implying anything about your work. From what I got it looks pretty good :)

MaulerMauler    Wed, 16/01/2013 - 16:35

"rauschend", "zögernd" are here used like adverbs; "Raunen"... how about "whispering" or "rumble"?
Last line is an imperative...

fulicaseniafulicasenia    Mon, 21/01/2013 - 09:58

Thanks for translating this! I translated three of their songs recently, so I know it's hard. :) One reason is that the German is not always grammatically correct, or complete sentences.

I think in the first verse it's almost dawn, so I would put 'night' as in the German, not 'midnight.'

Instead of 're-thrives' and 'newly flourished' I would put 'flourishes anew.'

For 'Raunen' I'd put 'murmer.'

Instead of "What became a death value, steadily blooms" I'd put "That which became worthy of death, blooms constantly anew." (Can you tell that I like 'anew'? ;) )

'Aglow' is an adjective, so 'a pulse glows.'

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Wed, 10/07/2013 - 01:01

why did you change it?