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  • Forndom

    Hemkomst → English translation

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The sun rises up from the north,
Goldencomb¹ crows loudly,
once again it grows from the earth,
outside the door of the family.
I'm given a drink by a fair lady,
I'm warmed by a beautiful pyre,
around me, I hear my fathers gather,
toasting for a good year and peace.
"For a good year and frith"²
Begone darkness, light awaits.
Fortune³, fortune, fortune.
Bone shall be bone and blood shall be blood,
flesh shall once again be flesh,
once again I regain old strength,
what once was dead shall live.
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Swedish)

Forndom: Top 3
gardvordgardvord    Thu, 14/03/2024 - 15:04

Well done translation.
Line 9, The Anglo-Saxon concept of "frith" has made it's way into Norse Neo-Paganism, but the Old Norse concept of "frið" is not the exact same concept. "Peace" would be a more accurate translation.
Line 14, the Swedish "gammelt mod" translates to "old courage".

This translation remains true to the original's thematic essence of renewal, rebirth, and the cyclical nature of life and death. By translating "gammelt mod" to "old strength," there's a subtle shift in focus from courage to a broader interpretation of strength, which could encompass both physical and moral fortitude. This slight change does not detract from the overall meaning but instead offers a broader interpretation that is equally fitting within the context of the song's theme. 
This translation is both a faithful and evocative rendition of the original lyrics.