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Licis na moga oca

Ličiš na moga oca,
Isto je mojo majci užasne stvari radio.
Rukama golim
Njeno nevino mlado srce
Iz grudi na živo vadio.
Eh, da je bilo pravde, anđela, boga,
Pa da je malo još poživela,
Pa da mi kaže što sam sudbinu njenu doživela.
Ličiš na moga oca,
Noćima padneš pijan...
Nesnosan, nervozan i grub.
Zbog neke druge žene
Kafane, društvo, novca...
Mene uzimaš na zub.
Eh, da je bilo pravde, anđela, Boga,
Pa da je malo još poživela,
Pa da mi kaže što sam sudbinu njenu doživela.
Zar i Bog što nebom hoda,
Vladar carstva nebeska,
Zar i on je muškog roda
Okrutnog, okrutnog.
Ličiš na moga oca,
Na sceni mog detinjstva
Najlepšeg crnog labuda.
Zbog kog se svetla gase,
Zavesa na nade pada,
Iz prošlosti nemam nikuda.
Eh, da je bilo pravde, anđela, boga,
Pa da je malo još poživela
Da shvatim njene reči
"Što nisam muško rodila?"
Zar i Bog što nebom hoda,
Vladar carstva nebeskog,
Zar i on je muškog roda
okrutnog, okrutnog.

You Resemble My Father

You resemble my father
He did terrible things to my mother
With his bare hands
Would pull her innocent, young heart
out of her chest
(the meaning here is that her heart was pulled while she felt everything)
Eh, if there were justice, an angel, a God
So that she would have lived a bit longer
So that she could explain why I've inherited her fate
You resemble my father
Nightly falling drunk
Insufferable, upset and brutal
Because of some other woman
The pub, friends, money
You torture me
Eh, if there were justice, an angel, a God
So that she would have lived a bit longer
So that she could explain why I've inherited her fate
Is even God that walks the sky
King of the heavens
Is even He of the male gender
Ruthless, ruthless
You resemble my father
On the stage of my childhood
The most beautiful black swan
Because of who the lights go off
The curtain of hope falls
I can't run from the past
Eh, if there were justice, an angel, a God
So that she would have lived a bit longer
So I would understand her words:
Why did I not give birth to a boy
Is even God that walks the sky
King of the heavens
Is even He of the male gender
Ruthless, ruthless