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Che fritza fadada deretu a su coro
atzesu at milli istinchiddas de oro.
Dogni puzone chi a chelu est pigadu
sa prus bella cantone pro me at intonadu.
Su mare chi fit in tempesta costante
firmadu at sas undas cuss’ora bastante
chi ojos de amore l’èsseren bidu
sa bellesa rara de s’infinidu.
Gustos arcanos m’invadin sa mente,
m’alluen in coro su chelu lughente
de crineras mizas, de ‘ortas chentu
che in sa notte de Santu Larentu.
Su chi non tenzo deo bramo,
su ch’est atesu amo.
Pretziosu a su coro, amore sagradu,
torro a sa vida ca t’apo incontradu,
che sole m’allues in s’arbéschida,
sa manu a sa mia as como intritzida.
Lichida sa ‘ucca tibia, lizera
supra sa mia durche, incantera.
Pro totu s’amore chi dadu mi as
felice e serena potho morrer cras.
Gustos arcanos m’invadin sa mente,
m’alluen in coro su chelu lughente
de crineras mizas, de ‘ortas chentu
che in sa notte de Santu Larentu.
Su chi non tenzo deo bramo,
finas dae tesu t’amo.
Che fortza majarza prenetas in mene,
finas dae tesu apo a èsser cun te.
Perdònami, amore, non potho aguantare
totu sa vida si non potho amare
a tie.


Like a fairy arrow, suddenly you have lit
in my heart a thousand golden sparks.
Every bird that’s flown to the sky
started to sing for me the most beautiful song.
The sea that was constantly stormy
stopped its waves just long enough
so that loving eyes could see
the superb beauty of infinity.
Arcane pleasures invade my mind,
they light in my heart the sky, sparkling
with thousands of comets, hundreds of vaults,
like on the night of St. Lawrence.1
I desire what I don’t have,
I love what’s far away.
Precious to my heart, sacred love,
I come back to life since I met you,
you illumine me like the sun at daybreak,
now you have intertwined your hand with mine.
Your neat mouth, warm, light
is on the mine, sweet, charming.
You gave me so much love
that I could die tomorrow, happy and serene.
Arcane pleasures invade my mind,
they light in my heart the sky, sparkling
with thousands of comets, hundreds of vaults,
like on the night of St. Lawrence.
I desire what I don’t have,
even from afar I love you.
Like a magic force you come into me,
even from afar I will be with you.
Forgive me, my love, I can’t endure
all my life if I can’t love
  • 1. The night of St. Lawrence is on 10 August, when a lot of comets appear in the sky.
Maria Luisa Congiu: Top 3