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  • Zaki Nassif

    نقيلي أحلى زهرة → English translation

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نقيلي أحلى زهرة

نقيلي أحلى زهرة يا فراشة نقيلي
زهرة تلبق للشقرة على شعرا تشكيلي
نقيها حلوة أحلى من ضحكة أطفال
وخلي الزنبق يصرخلها من قلبه موال
والعصفور يترغلا ويترجم شو قال
وشق الفجر ينغملا عوتارو تهديلي
نقيها بلون المرمر وحكايات النار
وتراب الجرد الأسمر والتلج الختيار
ومن حلم الوادي الأخضر وعنفوان الغار
ولو بعرف أوصف أكتر ما بقلك نقيلي

The most beautiful flower

Choose for me oh butterfly, the most beautiful flower
a flower whose beauty would match in a bouquet that of the blond girl's hair,
Choose a flower whose beauty would surpass that of a child's laughter
Let the lily sing for it a song from the depths of its heart
while the bird would chirp for it and translate its words
as the break of the dawn plays melodies on its strings with the sound of doves
Choose a flower whose color matches the marble and the stories told by the fire
whose color matches the desert's brown sand and the ancient white snow
Choose a flower who is a descendant of that dream which lingers on the green valley and as vigorous as a laurel
Well you know, if I was able to describe exactly what I wanted you to choose for me, I would have chosen it myself!