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  • Najbolji hrvatski tamburaši

    Nešto glupo → English translation

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Nešto glupo

Ja znam da nisam jedini
Što s neba krade zvijezde
Pa ti nosi na dar
Ni prvi a ni posljednji
Što nudi staru frazu
mi smo savršen par
A znam da može bolje
Ali s riječima mi nekad baš i ne ide
To samo krene iz mene
Pa kažem nešto glupo kao volim te
A zamišljam da plešemo na mjesećini
Nečujni ko sijene dvije
I da nas ludi tango vrti
dugo dok se noć i dan ne zamjene
Sanjam ja i ti smo sami
skriveni od svih u tami zagrljeni
I znam da znam za prave riječi
savršeni stih o sreći ljubavi
Al u tom trenu sludit će me
Miris tvog parfema i tad bojim se
Znam opet ću pokvarit sve
I reći nešto glupo kao volim te
Al u tom trenu sludit će me
Miris tvog parfema i tad bojim se
Znam opet ću pokvarit sve
I reći nešto glupo kao volim te
Ja volim te
Volim te

Something Stupid

I know I'm not the only one
That steals stars from the sky
And gives you as a present
Neither the first nor the last one
That uses the old phrase
'We're a perfect pair'
I know it can be better
But sometimes I just don't feel like saying those words
It only comes out of me
Then I say something stupid like 'I love you'
I'm thinking of us dancing in the moonlight
Quitely like two shadows
And spinning the crazy tango
For a long while till night changes into day
I dream that you and I are alone
Hidden from all others, cuddled in darkness
I know that I know the right words
The perfect verse about the luck of love
But at that moment it will drive me crazy
The scent of your perfume, and then I'm afraid
I know I'll again spoil everything
And say something stupid like 'I love you'
But at that moment it will drive me crazy
The scent of your perfume, and then I'm afraid
I know I'll again spoil everything
And say something stupid like 'I love you'
I love you
love you...
Najbolji hrvatski tamburaši: Top 3