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Retired Moderator Absolute Froggy
<a href="/en/translator/zhabba" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1087072">zhabba <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Joined: 28.06.2011

Is it possible that someone deleted a song I posted? I remember posting a song "Guzonjin sin" by Zabranjeno pusenje and its translation "Son of a rich man". Now I can't find neither song nor translation. What happened?

Retired Moderator
<a href="/en/translator/aylin22" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1079868">aylin_22 </a>
Joined: 22.03.2011

Oh...can you try to remember when you posted your song and translation ? Because there was a huge bug on sunday 4th December where everything posted during almost 15 hours was lost :-(...I think it was everything between +/_ 6AM and 21PM...If it didn't get lost because of the bug, maybe someone removed them...but I don't know why...

Retired Moderator Absolute Froggy
<a href="/en/translator/zhabba" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1087072">zhabba <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Joined: 28.06.2011

Yes, I posted it on 4th December, I remember. Well, I guess I should post it again :) Thank you!