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  • Voce Ventu

    A Serva → English translation

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The Maid

I, a proud peasant,
day laborer and wretched,
I want to sing the despair
of my shattered love.
Anghjula, pure and unmarried,
the most beautiful spring flower,
in that morning she left
to become a maid of the lords.
Anghjula, my Anghjula,
you brought me the ruin
that day on which you went
to the lords
and on which you crossed the door.
The summer, the air was stifling,
you were tired, at the fountain,
your headscarf was heavy
under that heat wave.
I, a rough worker,
never found the time
and he, a handsome young lord,
was always around you.
Anghjula, my Anghjula,
so it was, you didn’t refuse,
you gave your youth
to that lord
who in his house tricked you.
Between a goldfinch and a crow
no marriage can hatch.
Even with a child in your womb
the ungrateful lord forsook you.
That day there was a party in the square
and you weighed your woe:
he was marrying a wellborn girl,
rich, from a safe lineage.
Anghjula, my Anghjula,
this pistol you brought
I took it from you, you didn’t give it to me
and the lord,
it was my hand that killed him.
Original lyrics

A Serva

Click to see the original lyrics (Corsican)

Voce Ventu: Top 3
evfokasevfokas    Sun, 28/09/2014 - 15:16

Thank you Marco
My suggestions:
ti girava in tondu > was all over you
Fù cusì > so it was
pò nasce > can take place / can hatch / can be brought forth
una di razza > a wellborn / a noble / a highborn
sicuru > safe
A ti cacciai > I took it from you

   Sun, 28/09/2014 - 15:58

Thank you Evan, it seems to sound better now.

ΚακομάζαληΚακομάζαλη    Fri, 07/01/2022 - 10:07

I disagree with the comment above. (" was all over you"- "ti girava in tondu ") .
If it means " he was always supervising you", then it must be " he was surrounding you", " he was watching you over".
If it means "he was flirting you constantly without leaving you any space", then it must be " he was besieging you" ( in greek " πολιορκώ" has this meaning- actually γυρόφερνε is the most accurate greek translation of this phrase-, trying to conquer someone's heart, I am not sure if in english it can be used likewise)

   Fri, 07/01/2022 - 16:18

Thank you so much for the stars and for your suggestion.
You may be right, "all over you" can have the meaning you said. But "besiege" reminds me more of an army than a harassing suitor.
Perhaps the best choice is " was all around you", don't you think?

ΚακομάζαληΚακομάζαλη    Fri, 07/01/2022 - 16:59

Yes, it's OK but I found this definition of the phrase " BE ALL OVER SB= to be touching someone in a sexual way everywhere on their body: She was all over him, kissing him and running her hands through his hair."
Is this what happened, near the fountain??? (!!!) I believe that he took her to his house ("Chì in la so casa t'ingannò") to do all of the above and much more :P.
"He never left your side, perhaps? He was always near you? He was constantly courting you? He was always around you? I don't know....I have a limited knowledge of the english language, I cannot come up with another expression...

   Fri, 07/01/2022 - 17:22

Well, I’m not a native speaker, either, so I don’t know all colloquial English expressions. But you are right, and the Greek γυρόφερνε has the right meaning. He wasn’t touching but courting her in a pressing and unpleasant way.
“He was always around you” sounds good to me.

ΚακομάζαληΚακομάζαλη    Fri, 07/01/2022 - 17:30

Yes, because the subject ( the singer) says that " I didn't have the time to do so, since I am a hard worker, but he had (the time) to run after you all the time".

   Fri, 07/01/2022 - 16:22

And thank you also for your Greek translation :)