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    Te is félsz → English translation

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You're scared too

Divert your thoughts
to where you can’t see them.
Where, in the depths of your consciousness
self-destruction is playing obliviously.
Words that I don’t receive from the heart
are worth nothing,
I don’t want more questions
because I haven’t answered them anyway.
You’re scared, I see that you’re scared,
although you’re still longing just as much,
and you’re asking for the same.
Hey man, where are you going, what are you hoping for?
Just in a spare existence
with a bewitched soul you live,
oh, and you’re scared just as much.
Even from far away you can’t see anymore
what tomorrow may bring.
You didn’t believe for a moment
that you’d find out
what could make you feel that that’d be better.
But I don’t need words
that I don’t receive from the heart,
I don’t want more questions
because I haven’t answered them anyway.
You’re scared, I see that you’re scared,
although you’re still longing just as much,
and you’re asking for the same.
Hey man, where are you going, what are you hoping for?
Just in a spare existence
with a bewitched soul you live,
oh, and you’re scared just as much.
Original lyrics

Te is félsz

Click to see the original lyrics (Hungarian)

GrudienGrudien    Mon, 31/08/2020 - 20:01

Could you transcribe and translate the vocal sample at the end of the music video? This would be very nice.