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  • MRFY

    Zaljubila → English translation

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Ko me spremljaš, tvoje oči na meni.
Primi me za, ne smeva se pustit.
Glej kako me boli, ko te ni.
Vse lahko se zgodi.
Mmmm, zaljubila se je vame.
Ker sem tisti, ki bo tu ostala.
Kar naredil bom, boš kriva ti, ker me ne spustiš.
Le zapusti me zdaj, to je moje telo.
Spusti moje lase, da premaknem glavo.
Vrni moje moči, ne poznam več ljudi.
Zaljubila se je vame, zdaj ubijala bi zame.
Zaljubila se je ooh ooh ooh....
Zakaj sem gol? Vem.
Privablja me utrip plemena,
v nosu kosti, ples.
V sredini stojijo drevesa in ližemo kri. Fejk.
Utrujeni so legli v gnezda in dan je spet.
Izgubil sem naboj, zato sem gol.
Zaljubila se je vase...

Fell in love

You check me out, your eyes on me.
Take me by the uhh, we shouldn't, but I let it be.
See me ache when you're not here.
Anything can happen.
mmm, she fell in love with me.
'Cause i’m the one and she’ll stay put.
What I’m about to do is on you for not letting me go.
Now leave me, this body's mine.
Let my hair go so i can move my head.
Give my powers back, I don’t know people anymore.
Oh oh oh, she fell in love with me.
Now she'd kill for me. She fell in love, ooh ooh ooh
Why am I naked? I know…
A tribal pulse is calling me,
bones in the nose. Dancing.
Trees burn in the center and we lick blood. Fake.
The tired lay down in their nests, it's daytime.
Lost my charge again, that's why I'm naked.
She fell in love with herself.
MRFY: Top 3