Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
  • Giorgos Mazonakis

    Εσύ κι εγώ → traducción al Inglés

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You and I

Look at me
Don't do anythine else
Just look at me
The eyes will say what we didn't say
The eyes are the mirror of the heart
We reacted,
We reacted again at the end's limits
But we didn't lose anything valuable
Even if we felt away for a while
You and I
Are not over yet
The worst thing didn't find us
Love has tied our hearts
With a magical knot
You and me
You and I
Are not over yet
We have more way to go ahead of us
Perhaps we were a drop
In an over sea of love
You and me
Look at me
We got hurt without any reason
We were born for each other
You see it clearly in my eyes
We made
One mistake after another
But when we realised where we were heading to
We changed our course towards the heart
You and I
Are not over yet
We have more way to go ahead of us
Perhaps we were a drop
In an over sea of love
You and me
Letra original

Εσύ κι εγώ

Letras de canciones (Griego)
