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  • Viktoriya Cherentsova

    Я не твоя → traducción al Inglés

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I'm Not Yours

I'm not yours. I'm not yours anymore
All the stars in me burnt out.
And, while you nuzzle against my thigh so tired 1
in the morning I'll move on to a different bed.
Well, now I feel like an abandoned daughter
I stand and wait for you at your doorstep
You, more than anyone, can help me
Don't worry, I don't need much
Today I came to you alone by myself
Don't judge me for my audaciousness.
I never wanted to be with you before,
as much as I do now.
Somewhere fate decided 2 that I'm not yours.
Sadness hunted me,
like a monster tracking me down
chasing me, no matter the weather.
So don't judge me. I didn't invent revenge
Let me stay at least until the morning.
And about me being here today,
she'll never even guess.
I'm not yours, I'm not yours anymore ....
  • 1. crescent of a sleepy thigh
  • 2. literally "They decided"
Letra original

Я не твоя

Letras de canciones (Ruso)

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Mar, 19/03/2019 - 12:13

Но мне ещё на свете никогда
Побыть с тобой так сильно не хотелось
But I have never been like this. {This line is not needed, this is not what this line means}
I never wanted to be with you before as much as I do now. {This line covers both lines of the original, just break it in two}


Я не твоя, решили где то там
Печаль объявит на меня охоту
И будет словно зверя по следам
Преследовать в любую непогоду
I decided somewhere that I'm not yours.
I didn't want you to hurt me with sadness.
It would've been like a monster tracking me down
chasing me, no matter the weather.
—-> is not exactly what this means

It is all metaphorical:
Решили где-то там = They (like higher powers) decided
Печаль объявит на меня охоту = sadness will hunt me down (lit.)
И будет, словно зверя по следам, Преследовать в любую непогоду = It (sadness) will chase her, no matter the weather. Sadness is not the monster tracking her down, зверь here is she and the sadness идёт по её следам (like a hunter is following his prey following the tracks)

Hope it makes sense :)