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Ama herkes bir gün ölür.
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Ben bu yerde yaşayamadım
Gençliğime doyamadım
Ben bu yerde yaşayamadım
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Letra original


Letras de canciones (Inglés, Tártaro de Crimea)

ScieraSciera    Dom, 07/02/2016 - 15:23

I'd like to ask what's the exact language of the not English part of the original text. Some Anatolian dialect of Turkish?

ScieraSciera    Dom, 07/02/2016 - 15:29

Ah, thanks. I didn't know these languages were so close.
I've added a tag to the lyrics.

ScieraSciera    Sáb, 23/04/2016 - 16:16

It's probably not that bad as to deserve 1 star, is it?
1 star means "terrible, just like a machine translation (...). It’s so bad that it shouldn’t be published on this site." according to the FAQ.

viridisrenpoleviridisrenpole    Sáb, 23/04/2016 - 16:52

She didn't translate the sentences very properly. You should translate the "full sentence." She translated the sentences like a daily speech, not very professionally. I translated it too now, I think that one is better. She used future tense in Turkish, but as you see, there is no future tense in the English lyrics.

sandringsandring    Sáb, 23/04/2016 - 16:26

Translating from Turkish. The comment goes You have to translate full sentences
What the heck does it mean? How can one user give one star and another one five. Mensch, that's not serious. Something should be done about voting. :cry:

sandringsandring    Sáb, 23/04/2016 - 17:41

But one star is when the translation doesn't make any sense at all. If there are grammar mistakes or the translation isn't precise you might have rated it three stars at least, or four. One star is for cheaters who Google translate things but the girl does know Turkish, doesn't she? Why don't you change your rating and give her suggestions instead? That would be fair and gentleman-like. :)

viridisrenpoleviridisrenpole    Sáb, 23/04/2016 - 18:56

Ilk paragrafta gelecek zaman kullanilmamaliydi, dorduncu paragraftaki cumle hatali, tum paragraf aslinda tek bir cumle olmali

Ivan YawizIvan Yawiz    Dom, 15/05/2016 - 19:02

I'm not 100% about but it looks like Crimean Tatar verbs missed some parts.

toyalmadım ~ doy bilmiyordum

aşalmadım ~ yaşaya bilmiyordum