Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
  • Nadau

    Bateria → traducción al Inglés

Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas


Ca-vietz audir joenessa
La planhta deus vetèths
Que jo n’èi gran tristessa
De’us véder presonèrs.
La libertat qu’ei bèra
E la lutz deu bon Diu
A jo m’an dit de qu’èra
Entà tot çò que viu.
Sarrats dens ua cauja
Shens se poder mudar
Shens conéisher la maire
Ni l’aulor deu mentràs.
Tot lo dia que ploran
Dab uèlhs desesperats
A jo m’an dit de qu’èra
Aquò un gran pecat.
No saben la montanha
Ni l’èrba deu pradolh
E n’audeishen deu Gave
Lo briu plen de gorgolhs
De la tèrra mairana
Que son desarrigats
A jo m’an dit de qu’èra
Gran dòu e gran pieitat.
T’à tirar d’esclavatge
Nostes hrairs los vetèths
Trencar loas estacas
Qu’ei hèit quate coplets.
La libertat qu’èi bèra
E jo que voi cridar
Permor que m’an dit qu’èra
Un dret de la guardar.

The Battery Farm

Come listen, children!
To the cries of the calves
I am very saddened
To see them as prisoners
"Freedom is beautiful"
And so is the light of the good Lord,
I was told that they were,
For all that they live
Trapped within a cage
Without being able to move
Without knowing their mother
Nor the scent of mint
All day long, they've cried
With their desperate eyes
I was told that,
"This is a great sin!"
They never knew the mountains
Nor the grassy pastures
They never heard of the mountain streams
Nor its bubbling currents
From their motherland
They've been uprooted
I was told that it was there,
A great mourning and great pity
To get out of slavery
Our brothers, the calves
Had cut their chains
As I wrote in four verses
"Freedom is beautiful!"
And I want to shout
Because I was told
That it was right to keep them
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