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  • Karelia

    Беги от меня → traducción al Inglés

Tamaño de fuente
Revisión solicitada
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas

Беги от меня

моё сердце биться
Не остановиться
В бешеном танце
Смазанных лиц
Силуэты ловить
Моё сердце биться
Тёплые слёзы
Пусти на ресницы
Без страха нырнуть
В глубины вод
Моё сердце биться
До свидания,
Туман над водой.
Получай же мое обещание
Без остатка забрать на прощание
Всё утро прохлады с собой.
И вибрируют в такт до рассвета
Пять разноцветных кругов,
И теряется в этом мелькании
Траектория снов.
моё сердце биться
Не остановиться
В бешеном танце
Смазанных лиц
Силуэты ловить
Моё сердце биться
Тёплые слёзы
Пусти на ресницы
Без страха нырнуть
В глубины вод
Моё сердце биться
моё сердце биться
Не остановиться
В бешеном танце
Смазанных лиц
Силуэты ловить
Моё сердце биться
Нарисовано или реально
Моё отражение в экране
Убегай от меня,
Умоляю, беги!
До холодного блика рассвета
Нам осталась лишь пара часов.
Я дыханием леса
Тебя отыщу
Траекторией снов.
моё сердце биться
Не остановиться
В бешеном танце
Смазанных лиц
Силуэты ловить
Моё сердце биться
Тёплые слёзы
Пусти на ресницы
Без страха нырнуть
В глубины вод
Моё сердце биться
моё сердце биться
Не остановиться
В бешеном танце
Смазанных лиц
Силуэты ловить
Моё сердце биться

Run away from me

my heart beat
Don't stop
Spinning in a crazy dance
Catch a glance of blurry faces in silhouette.
my heart beat
Let warm tears stream down along the eyelashes
Take the plunge without fear
Into the water's depth.
My heart to beat
Mist upon the water.
Here you have my promise
To take this whole morning of chill with me, as I leave.
Five multi-colored circles
Emblazing and vibrating
To the beat till dawn,
Where our dreams lead to gets lost in this fleeting moment.
My heart beat
Don't stop
Whirling in a crazy dance
Catch a glance of blurry faces in silhouette.
My heart beat
Go ahead, let warm tears stream down along the eyelashes
Take the plunge without fear
Into the water's depth.
My heart beat
My heart beat
Keep it going
Spinning around in a crazy dance
Catch the silhouettes of the unclear faces
My heart beat
Is my reflection drawn or real
On the surface of the river?
Run away from me,
I beg you, run!
We have only a couple of hours left
Till the sunrise's cold gleam shines.
I'll track you down by the forest's breath and with dream's guidance.
My heart beat
Don't stop
Spinning in a crazy dance
Catch a glance of blurry faces in silhouette
My heart beat
Let warm tears stream down along the eyelashes
Take the plunge without fear
Into the water's depth.
My heart to beat
My heart beat
Don't stop
Spinning in a crazy dance
Catch the silhouettes of the unclear faces
My heart beat
El/la autor/a de esta traducción ha solicitado una revisión.
Esto significa que le alegrará recibir correcciones, sugerencias, etc. sobre la traducción.
Si te manejas bien en ambos idiomas, te invitamos a que dejes tus comentarios.
Phil AmbroPhil Ambro    Lun, 16/05/2022 - 00:02

Not stop = nonstop

Catch the silhouettes of the illegible faces = Catch a glance of blurry faces in silhouette.

Let warm tears stream down the eyelashes = Let my warm tears stream down from my eyes.
{In English it is very weird that tears would "fall from eyelashes". If this sounds weird in Russian too, leave it alone. But, if this line makes sense in Russian, it has to change in English. In English, tears fall from eyes, not eyelashes.

Into the water depths = Into the watery depths. {or} Into the water's depth.

Fog on the water. {This is ok, but we normally say} "Mist upon the water."

To take the whole morning of chill with me without residue, at parting.
{This is awkward sounding, but OK. To make it more English, you should say, (remembering English word order... Something like:}
"to take THIS morning chill with me with no bad feelings, as you leave."
{I know it's different, but it's how we would say something like that.}
{If you say "Morning OF chill" it sounds as if it's a "relaxing" (slang: "chill") morning. "Morning chill" (without the OF) means a "cold morning".}

and vibrating to the beat till dawn
Five multi-colored circles,
{Once again English word order}:
"Five multi-colored circles emblazing and vibrating to the beat till dawn."
{It makes no sense backward.}

And dreams trajectory is getting lost in this flitting
{You can always omit Russian "and" at the beginning of a song stanza, if it has no meaning. If it doesn't connect the previous sentence clause. Russian songs have a lot of "and" in them which make no sense in English. In Russian it's just a "fluff word". In English we use "just" for this. It too has no meaning most of the time, but it's added for "fluff". Eliminate Russian "and" unless it really means "and".}
"Where our dreams lead to gets lost in this fleeting moment."
{Sorry, I know it's very different in English. Dreams don't have trajectories, rockets do. AND despite what your dictionary may say "flitting" is not a word.

Is my reflection drawn or real
In the face of the river? = on the surface of the river?

Till the cold gleam of the sunrise = Till the sunrise's cold gleam shines.
{English needs verbs to be added sometimes, that are implied (but not said) in Russian.}

I'll track you down using the forest breath and dreams trajectory.
{Once again... dreams don't have trajectories in English.}
I'll track you down by the forest's breath and with dream's guidance.

Just a few comments to improve your English. Keep up the good work!

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Lun, 16/05/2022 - 00:13

Теплые слезы... а где они их греют?

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro    Lun, 16/05/2022 - 01:53

I assume tears are warm to start with coming out of the eyes, unless it's so cold they freeze on the eyeball? I dunno. I'm not a doctor. LOL

Anna LetsgoushkiAnna Letsgoushki
   Mar, 17/05/2022 - 02:36

[@Phil Ambro] Thanks for the checking and the extensive comments. I think it might be the last song I translate to English, lol, so many mistakes! Hopefully my tears will not freeze on the eyeball during this cold spring XD
The problem with this song is that the "sentences" don't make much sense in russian, either:))) For example, the "face" of the river. We normally use a word for surface here, but this song is special)))
It looks like it's not the heart beating non-stop, but she doesn't want to stop her dancing. She wants to continue dancing. Do you think non-stop will still work in this case?
Sadly, dreams have trajectories neither in English, nor in Russian, only in this song:))))))
Also, she's greedy enough to take the whole morning, not the chill. It looks like the morning is just a measurement for the chill there. Like, "a cup of sugar", "a pinch of salt", "a morning of chill":))) And no, it doesn't make sense in russian, but that's what she's taking with her :D Probably the morning chill will be the best option here, hopefully it will not add too much system to the chaos of the lyrics, lol
I had concerns about the word order, but chose to keep it as close line-to-line as possible. Since it doesn't make sense in English, I should change it.
"Let my warm tears stream down from my eyes" - she's actually singing "let your warm tears...", using imperative mood. And you guessed right about the eyelashes sounding weird, they are usually not mentioned. The idea is probably about tears appearing in the eyes but being not too large to fall down the cheeks, I don't know, lol

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Mié, 18/05/2022 - 23:08

Not stop

In a crazy dance

--> isn't it one sentence?
In the fist line, imho, there should be another verb, like "do not stop" or "I will not stop" or "would never stopI"...
In the second two, according to Russian original It is not "some dance spin"

May I suggest " Do not stop to whirl in this crazy dance"

Anna LetsgoushkiAnna Letsgoushki
   Mié, 25/05/2022 - 13:36

Thanks for your suggestions
--> isn't it one sentence? - It's not clear whether it's one sentence or "not stop" belongs to the previous line (about the heart).
I think we need something in english that can both describe heart and dance. I'm thinking about "Keep it going" or "Don't let it stop" for "Не остановиться".

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro    Jue, 26/05/2022 - 04:44

Simple solution about the "don't let it stop" and "spin ...."
Just use an English gerund to connect the two.
"Don't stop"

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Vie, 27/05/2022 - 04:01

Звучит как юла, игрушка такая была 😂