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  • Criolo

    Cartão de Visita → traducción al Inglés

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Cartão de Visita

Acende o incenso de mirra francesa
Algodão fio 600, toalha de mesa
Elegância no trato é o bolo da cereja
Guardanapos gold, agradável surpresa
Pra se sentir bem com seus convidados
Carros importados garantindo translados
Blindados, seguranças fardados
De terno Armani, Louboutin os sapatos
Temos de galão Dom Pérignon
Veuve Clicquot pra lavar suas mãos
E pra seu cachorro de estimação
Garantimos um potinho com um pouco de Chandon
MC Lon tá portando VIP
Thássia tem um blog de fina estirpe
Pra dar um clima cult te ofereço de brinde
Ímãs de geladeira com Sartre e Nietzsche
Glitter, glamour, La Maison Creole
O sistema exige perfil de TV
Desculpa se não me apresentei a você
Esse é meu cartão, trabalho no buffet
Acha que tá mamão, tá bom, tá uma festa
Menino no farol cê humilha e detesta
Acha que tá bom, né não, nem te afeta
Parcela no cartão essa gente indigesta
(Nem tudo que brilha é relíquia nem jóia)
O governo estimula e o consumo acontece
Mamãe de todo mal, a ignorância só cresce
FGV me ajude nessa prece
O salário mínimo com base no DIEESE
Em frente a shoppings marcar rolêzins
Debater sobre cotas, copas e afins
O opressor é omisso e o sistema é cupim
E se eu não existo, por que cobras de mim?
O mamão papaia, cassis
Rum com sorvete de Bis
Patrício gosta e quem não quer ser feliz?
Pra garantir o padê dão até o edi
Era tudo mentira, sonhei pra valer
Com você, eu ali, nós dois, cê vê tê
A alma flutua, leite a criança quer beber
Lázaro, alguém nos ajude a entender
Acha que tá mamão, tá bom, tá uma festa
Menino no farol cê humilha e detesta
Acha que tá bom, né não, nem te afeta
Parcela no cartão essa gente indigesta
Acha que tá bom
Acha que tá mamão
Acha que tá bom
Acha que tá mamão
Acha que tá bom
Acha que tá mamão
Acha que tá bom
Acha que tá mamão

Business Card

Light the french myhrr incense
900gsm cotton, tablecloth
Elegant treatment is the cake of the cherry
Gold napkins, pleasant surprise
To feel good with your guests
Imported cars, offering transfer services
Armored, uniformed security
In Armani suits, the shoes are Louboutin
In gallons, we have Dom Pérignon
Veuve Clicquot to wash your hands
And for your pet dog
We guarantee a little bowl with some Chandon
MC Lon is VIP
Thássia has a blog for the upper-class elite
To have a cult vibe I offer you, as a gift
Refrigerator magnets of Sartre and Nietzsche
Glitter, glamour, La Maison Créole
The system requires a profile like you see on TV
Apologies if I didn't introduce myself
Here is my card, I work at the buffet
You think it's a piece of cake, it's all good, it's all a party
The boy on the street you humilliate and hate
You think it's all good, isn't it, it doesn't even affect you
Pay the bill on your credit card for these indigestible people
(All that glitters is not gold)
The government stimulates and the consumption happens
Mommy of all evil, ignorance only grows
Schools of Economics, help me with this prayer
A minimum wage based on the DIEESE
In front of shopping malls, schedule "rolêzins"
Discuss affirmative action quotas, world cups and such
The oppressor is silent and the system is a termite
And if I don't exist, why do you demand so much from me?
Papaya cream, liqueur
Rum with biscuit ice cream
Playboys like it and who doesn't want to be happy?
To get some snow they even take it up the dock
It was all a lie, I dreamed it
With you and me there, the two of us
The soul floats, the child wants to drink milk
"Lázaro, someone help us understand"
You think it's a piece of cake, it's all good, it's all a party
The boy on the street you humilliate and hate
You think it's all good, isn't it, it doesn't even affect you
Pay the bill on your credit card for these indigestible people
You think it's all good
You think it's a piece of cake
You think it's all good
You think it's a piece of cake
You think it's all good
You think it's a piece of cake
You think it's all good
You think it's a piece of cake