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Tamaño de fuente
Intercambiar idiomas

That year

That year
I sang for the first time
The audience didn't know me
Oh, what a year, that year
That year
Rock 'n' roll had just spread its wings
And in my corner
I sang beautifully, beautifully, beautifully
And the audience loved it
The Beatles were four boys to the wind
And I
My song said "Walk straight on"
That year
Such joy it is to be the idol of the young
For fans who were smashing up chairs
The more I think of it the less I forget
I found my first, my last love
The one, the great, the only
And forever: the audience
That year
In the skies flew a music
A bird we called Sputnik
Oh, what a year, that year
It's when we said
Farewell to Marilyn of the golden heart
West Side Story broke all the records
That year
Guitars shot down violins
We thought a revolution
Came that year
Oh, it was yesterday
But today nothing has changed
It's the same thing
That repeats itself tonight
It was the year of sixty-two
It was the year of sixty-two
It was the year of sixty-two
It was the year of sixty-two
Letra original

Cette année-là

Letras de canciones (Francés)

Claude François: 3 más populares
Valeriu RautValeriu Raut
   Lun, 23/06/2014 - 14:21

Hello cogitorx, and thanks for your good translation.
Please present yourself, like all members have done.
In few lines, country and native language are important.
Please choose an avatar, an image that will represent you on LT.

Here are my suggestions:
« Venir de » is a French idiom.
venait d'ouvrir ses ailes > just opened its wings
Claude François has a song called « Marche tout droit »
We should write it with capital letter: "Walk straight on"

J'ai découvert mon premier, mon dernier amour > I found my first, my (first) LAST love
West Side means West Side Story
Les guitares tiraient sur les violins ??
I guess: The guitars shot on violins
Arrivait cette année-là > (Had) Come that year
(Arrivait - is at Imperfect. Had come – is at Pluperfect)

Kind regards.

   Mié, 25/06/2014 - 07:07

Thank you for all of your comments and suggestions! :bigsmile: I've just started my translator's account here a couple of days ago, thinking that it might be a way to improve my French by doing ENG-FR and FR-ENG translations, and it's certainly great to have readers like you to take the time and effort to read through my work and help me correct it.

I'll also take your advice on sprucing up my profile a little bit when I have the time, school and work have been killing me these last few weeks. =P