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  • Chris Rea

    Ticket for Chicago • Blue Guitars, Country Blues, 2005

Tamaño de fuente
Letra original

Letra de Ticket for Chicago

Now there's a train coming
You've got to get on board
Now there's a train coming
You've got to get on board
Don't need no new religion
It's not what this train is for
Now there's a train coming
It come from New Orleans
Now there's a train coming
It come from New Orleans
Well there's some real fine ladies there
The best I ever seen
Now this train is travelling
Up to a city that I know
Now this train is travelling
Up to a city that I know
If you want a dream come true
Get a ticket for Chicago
Now this train is travelling
Up to a city that I know
If you want a dream come true
Get a ticket for Chicago


Las traducciones de "Ticket for Chicago"
Chris Rea: 3 más populares