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  • Reik

    Lo mejor ya va a venir → traducción al Inglés

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The best is yet to come

If suddenly sadness
no longer lets you smile
close your eyes, just think
that the best is yet to come
When suddenly you can't anymore
when the faith left here
(Mmm, mmm, mmm)
if something ends, something begins
and the best is yet to come
Remember that there is love here
and that after the storm the sun rises
remember that a heart
becomes stronger
and doesn't die of pain
I say again
that the best is yet to come
When the world is upside down
it doesn't straighten just because
flip the sadness
and maybe you will smile
And remember that there is love here
and that after the storm the sun rises
and remember that a heart
becomes stronger
and doesn't die of pain
I say again
that the best is yet to come
There will be no storms without calm
and there will be no nights without day
because fire in your soul
and because fire in mine
because there are songs
to sing yet
let dreams not die
and let live life
When the strength is lacking
there will be plenty of reasons
hearts will unite
they will make noise and
love will remain
love will remain
And remember the best
close your eyes
that the shaking will pass
And remember that if there is love
the heroes don't wear capes
they use their heart
trust me
The best is yet to come
Letra original

Lo mejor ya va a venir

Letras de canciones (Español)

Reik: 3 más populares
Modismos de "Lo mejor ya va a ..."
treeoftoday244treeoftoday244    Sáb, 15/08/2020 - 11:22

Naslov bi isto trebao biti "the best is yet to come" neovisno što se tu na španjolskom izmjenjuju 2 slične konstrukcije, jer ovo prvo fraza koja se često koristi, a "the best is going to come " ja to nisam nikad čula da to netko kaže, ne znam možda ima u British Englishu , ne znam ja nisam to nikad cula
Htjela bih da netko tko zna bolje engleski od mene da me ispravi ako sam u krivu [@Mladen] [@M de Vega]

MladenMladen    Sáb, 15/08/2020 - 13:20

Ima ljudi koji se slijepo drze izvornog jezika, a neki koji prevode u duhu jezika koji prevode.
Meni je prirodnija druga solucija, stoga glasam za "The best is yet to come"

google translate kaze: "The best is coming" sto isto nije u duhu jezika

"The best is yet to come" je idiom engleskog jezika, i karakteristicno za izvorne govornike

poznato je da ti idiomi stvaraju najvise problem kad se uci strani jezik, tako je to kod svakog jezika
Ja bih se drzao idioma