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  • Cœur de pirate

    Dans la nuit (Live) → traducción al Inglés

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At Night (Live)

Can we still say that it's a pact? We just played each other
The hurt that takes place deep down isn’t what we gave each other
The lights of our places, those that pretend to shine
I dive into them and I doze off just so I won’t wake up
People are moving all around me, didn’t see me fall asleep
To the sound of the beats that resonates with my being, my whole being sways
The lovers meet at last while I'm obviously suffering
I dream, I fly away
At night, I get to live boredom
That reason locks aways
All of me lies in these times
So much hope, I go home
And at night, we get bored…
Is that the dawn that lies ahead when I'll wake up and be 30 years-old?
Or am I going to stay at the bottom of one of these kids' box?
When you live life to the full, souls fly up to the firmament
I go on about my mischieves, my current mistakes
People are moving all around me, didn’t see me fall asleep
To the sound of the beats that resonates with my being, my whole being sways
The lovers meet at last while I'm obviously suffering
I dream, I fly away
At night, I get to live boredom
That reason locks aways
All of me lies in these times
So much hope, I go home
And at night, we get bored…
Letra original

Dans la nuit (Live)

Letras de canciones (Francés)

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