Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
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鏡の前で君とまどろむ 薄紅の指先
その手は不意に弱さを見せて 唇をふさいだ
あの日 君と約束を 交わした
今は二人 想い出せずに
退屈な歌に耳を傾け 窓の外見つめる
僕はドレスをまとい 踊って見せよう
狂ってるかい 教えて
いつか 風にさらわれてゆくだろう
今は二人 想い出せず
僕はなぜ 風の様に雲の様に
あの空へと浮かぶ羽がない なぜ
あの夜へと沈む羽がない ああ
忘れないで 愛あふれたあの日々
君の顔も 想い出せずに
いつか 風にかき消されてゆくだろう
今は二人 想い出せず
僕はなぜ 風の様に雲の様に
あの空へと浮かぶ羽がない なぜ
あの夜へと沈む羽がない ああ
僕はなぜ 風の様に雲の様に
あの空へと浮かぶ羽がない なぜ
今は愛しくて痛みだす ああ


I dozed off with you in front of the mirror, with light crimson fingertips
Your hand suddenly shows me my weaknesses, and closes my lips
On that day, we made a promise to each other
Now, neither of us can remember it
I listen to a boring song, and stare out the window
You show me yourself dancing, and I follow your dress with my eyes; what are you aiming for? Tell me
One day, I'll probably be carried off by the wind
Now, neither of us can remember it
Why am I not like the wind, like the mist; why are there no feathers that float up to the sky
Why am I not like the stars, like the moon, enveloped by everything; why are there no feathers that
sink down into the night
Don't forget those days that overflowed with love
I can't remember your face
One day, the wind will erase it
Now, neither of us can remember it
Why am I not like the wind, like the mist; why are there no feathers that float up to the sky
Why am I not like the stars, like the moon, enveloped by everything; why are there no feathers that
sink down into the night
Why am I not like the wind, like the mist; why are there no feathers that float up to the sky
This love and these wounds are nostalgic; now they start to hurt with love, ah
Colecciones con "ドレス"
BUCK-TICK: 3 más populares
Modismos de "ドレス"
   Mié, 25/10/2023 - 00:23

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.