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  • Joséphine Baker

    La petite Tonkinoise → traducción al Inglés

Tamaño de fuente
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The little Tonkin girl

It's me who is his little,
His Anana, his Anana her Annamite
I am a vivid, I am charming
Like a little singing bird.
He calls me his littl' bourgeoise,
Hi Tonkiki, his Tonkiki, his Tonkin girl.
Others look at him with tender eyes,
But that's me he loves better.
In the evening we talk about a million things
Before going to bed.
I learn geography
of China, of Mandchouria,
Borders, rivers,
The Yellow river and the Blue river.
Even Love is, that is a a curious thing,
watered by the Middle Kingdom.
It's me who is his little,
His Anana, his Anana her Annamite
I am a vivid, I am charming
Like a little singing bird.
He calls me his littl' bourgeoise,
Hi Tonkiki, his Tonkiki, his Tonkin girl.
Others look at him with tender eyes,
But that's me he loves better.
Letra original

La petite Tonkinoise

Letras de canciones (Francés)

Por favor, ayuda a traducir "La petite Tonkinoise"
Joséphine Baker: 3 más populares
bataybatay    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 07:49

A slight bloomer in the 2nd stanza: the river Amour is not watered by the Middle Kingdom, it's the reverse that is (almost!) true.
Also second line of 1st stanza, it's 'his' Annam girl (not 'her').

JadisJadis    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 08:01

The text is written in colloquial French, not very correct, but like people speak it. In that context, "qu'arrose" should be understood as "qui arrose", I think, just like you would say : "- Qui c'est qu'est v'nu ? c'est Popaul qu'est v'nu" (for "Qui est venu ? c'est Paul qui est venu", "Who did show up ? T'was Paul who showed up").

JadisJadis    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 08:25

I would translate "waters the Middle Kingdom", or something like that.
Oh well, I hadn't seen that "l'Amour" had been translated by "Love". Of course it's a wordgame on "Amour", meaning both "Amur (River)" and "Love". There are many other details that could be discussed here...

bataybatay    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 08:27

That's correct, and precisely what I said in my first comment - I said almost true because the Amur river is in fact more Russian than Chinese

JadisJadis    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 08:29

Actually, I think that it marks the border, but this is not a geography course, it's approximative...

bataybatay    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 08:31

Just have a look at a map of Russian Far East

bataybatay    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 08:41

This is completely useless, and this will be my last comment.

JadisJadis    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 09:08

??? Restons calmes et buvons frais.

JadisJadis    Dom, 16/12/2018 - 08:02

And by the way, one should write "Annamite", not "Anammite"...