Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
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The Top Best City on Earth

So you have never been to
Our city of bright light
O’er the river at night
Never dreamed till the dawn
You never went for a stroll
With your friends through wide prospects 1
Why, you don’t know the best
Top best city on Earth
Out rings the song, my heart sings on
These lyrics go about you, Moscow!
Please, visit Moscow right now
Take a stroll through Arbat Street
In the lanes of Tverskoy 2
Lose yourself among trees
You must see, if for once
Girls so joyfully dancing
On the palms of the squares
Large blue squares of ours
Out rings the song, my heart sings on
These lyrics go about you, Moscow!
You will remember my words
Only if you have come here
Only if you could see
This best city on Earth
Out rings the song, my heart sings on
These lyrics go about you, Moscow!
  • 1. Avenues in Moscow are called Prospects
  • 2. The neighbourhood of Tverskaya Street – the heart of downtown
Letra original

Лучший город Земли

Letras de canciones (Ruso)

Colecciones con "Лучший город Земли"