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My blessing

They say that the flowers wouldn't stop singing
Your name, your name, my dear
That the waves at the sea made a shawl for you
From foam and clouds and water lilies
Not being satisfied, the moon
Came down to see your heart
And after seeing you, the moon said it had never seen a
Brighter, more beautiful sun than my blessing
Having you, kissing you, holding hands with you while walking
My love, to look at you, to whisper that I love you in your ear
I tell you, this is such a blessing
They say that palm trees would clap whenever they heard
Your footsteps, my dear
That the rivers would overflow whenever they saw
your eyes, your divine eyes
Not being satisfied, a star
Came down to see your heart
And after seeing you, the star said it had never seen
a full moon more beautiful than my blessing
Having you, kissing you, holding hands with you while walking
My love, to look at you, to whisper that I love you in your ear
I tell you, this is such a blessing
When you talk to me I hear a chorus of love
For two
The falsetto that comes with those I love yous attached to
Your voice, such a blessing
Having you, kissing you, holding hands with you while walking
My love, to look at you, to whisper that I love you in your ear
I tell you, this is such a blessing
Such a blessing...
Letra original

Mi bendición

Letras de canciones (Español)

Juan Luis Guerra: 3 más populares
Esteban3304Esteban3304    Lun, 17/03/2014 - 21:11

Good translation! The Title in English has an error. It should be "My Blessing". Buena traducción! El título de la canción en inglés tiene un error. Debería ser "My Blessing".

   Dom, 08/05/2016 - 04:16

las palmas -> the palm trees (not the hands)