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  • Calum Kennedy

    A nìghneag a ghràidh → traducción al Inglés

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A nìghneag a ghràidh

A nìghneag a ghràidh, 's tu dh'fhàg an dochair nam cheann
Air feasgar Diciadain nam shuidhe 's mi riasladh ri rann;
Gum b' fheàrr a bhith sìnte gu socair 's gu sìobhalt' sa ghleann
A' cadal le chèile fo dhuilleach nan geugan ud thall.
'S ann dhut-sa, mo leannan, thug mise mo chridhe 's mo chiall,
Mo dhùsgadh, mo chadal, mo reult, mo ghealach 's mo ghrian;
'S tu m' oidhche, mo mhadainn, mo bhùrn, is m' anail 's mo bhiadh,
'N àm èirigh is laighe 's tu fhèin an aingeal gam dhìon.
Nan robh mise 's mo leannan air slèibhtean farsaing an fhraoich,
Gun uallach mu èirigh ach laighe gu sèimh ann an gaol,
Toinnte le chèil' ann an sonas gun leireadh ri taobh,
'S an oidhche le cleòca gu buileach a' còmhdach an raoin.
Ann an achlais mo leannain gun caidlinn fada gun strì,
Fo dhubhar nam beannan far 'm b' òg a b' amaideach mi,
Gun sòlas air thalamh lem dheòin a dh'aithnicheadh mi
Ach gaol na h-òg chailin a bheothaich an t-sradag am chridh'.
Gun uallach air feasgar bu mhiann leam bhith leisg ri do thaobh,
Casruisgt sa mhòintich a' sireadh nan neòinean san fhraoch,
No 'g èisteachd nan sruthan a' sileadh gu socair 's gu caoin
Sìos chun na mara ag innse sanais ar gaoil.
An saoghal ged 's farsaing gum b' fheàrr a bhith tathaich sa ghleann,
Ri taobh na h-òg chailin air thalamh is maisiche leam;
Bidh rìomhachd, a h-àilleachd 's a grinneas gu bràth na mo cheann,
'S ann an lùchairt mo chridhe bidh àite, mo nighean, dhut ann.
Thig fois air an talamh, thig tosd air anail a' chuain,
Air tonnan a' chladaich thig tàmh is cadal car uair;
Eòin bheaga na doire nì fasgadh sona fon bhruaich,
Ach mo ghaol-sa dom leannan rim bheò chan aithnich e suain.

O young girl o love

O young girl, o love, it's you who left hurt in my head
on Wednesday evening as I sit and struggle with quatrains;
How much better to be stretched out peacefully at ease in the glen,
sleeping together under the foliage of the trees over there.
It is to you, my darling, that I gave my heart and my sense,
my waking, my sleeping, my star, my moon and my sun;
you're my night and my morning, my drink, my breath and my food,
At time for rising or lying down you yourself are my guardian angel.
If only I and my darling were on the broad heathery hillsides,
with no worry about rising but lying tranquilly in love,
entwined together in bliss far from causing distress,
and night with its cloak covering the area completely.
In the arms of my darling I would sleep a long time without strife,
in the shade of the peaks where I used to be young and foolish,
with no delight in the world that I wanted to know
except the love of the young woman who lit the spark in my heart.
With no task in the evening my desire was to be idle by your side,
barefoot in the moorland searching for daisies in the heather,
or listening to the streams flowing gently and softly
down to the sea telling telling the secrets of our love.
Though the world is wide I would prefer to hang out in the valley
beside the young woman whom I think is the most lovely in the world;
her elegance, her beauty and her gracefulness will always be on my mind
And there will be room in my heart's palace, my lass, for you.
Peace on earth will come, silence on the sea's wind will come,
inaction and sleep will come for a while to the waves of the shore;
little birds in the thickets will make a happy shelter under the banks,
but my love for my darling while I live will never know sleep.
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