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National Anthem Monologue (I Still Love Him)

And I remember when I met him, it was so clear that
he was the only one for me.
We both knew it, right away.
And as the years went on, things got more difficult --
we were faced with more challenges.
I begged him to stay. Try to remember what
we had at the beginning. He was charismatic, magnetic,
electric and everybody knew it. When he walked in
every woman's head turned, everyone stood up
to talk to him. He was like this hybrid, this mix of
a man who couldn't contain himself.
I always got the sense that he became torn
between being a good person and
missing out on all of the opportunities that life could
offer a man as magnificent as him.
And in that way I understood him
and I loved him.
I loved him, I loved him, I loved him.
And I still love him.
I love him.

Lana del rey-National anthem ( romana)

Si imi aduc aminte cand l-am cunoscut,
Era atat de clar ca era alesul inimii mele.
Am stiut asta amandoi, din prima clipa.
Si cum anii se scurgeau,Lucrurile au devenit mai complicate-
ne confruntam cu mai multe provocari.
L-am implorat sa ramana. Sa incerce sa isi aduca aminte ceea ce am avut la inceput.
Era atat de carismatic, magnetic, electris si toata lumea stia asta.
Cand intra intr-o incapere, fiecare femeie isi intorcea capul, toata lumea astepta sa vorbeasca cu el.
Era ca un fel de hibrid, un amestec de barbat care nu se putea controla.
Intotdeaunua am avut sentimentul ca era sfasiat intre a fi un om bun si a rata toate oportunitatile pe care viata putea sa ii le ofere unui barbat atat de magnific precum el.
Si in acest fel l-am inteles si l-am iubit.
Si l-am iubit, l-am iubit, l-am iubit.
Si inca il iubesc.
Il iubesc.
Lana Del Rey: 3 más populares
Modismos de "National Anthem ..."
ManonManon    Mar, 27/08/2013 - 19:32

Nu-i rău deloc, dar am câteva sugestii să-ţi dau.

the only one for me - alesul inimii mele

challenges - provocări

I begged him to stay - L-am implorat să rămână.

who couldn't contain himself - care nu se putea controla

torn between being a good person and missing out on all of the opportunities - sfâşiat între a FI un om bun şi a rata toate oportunităţile

   Dom, 01/09/2013 - 08:27

Ok. Iti multumesc pentru sugestii. Am sa le adaug ;)