Rusia lleva a cabo una guerra vergonzosa contra Ucrania.     ¡Defiende a Ucrania!
Cómo apoyar a Ucrania 🇺🇦 ❤️
Tamaño de fuente
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas


君はまだ覚えてるかな 幼い頃の暑い六月
廃線になった線路を 僕等はどこまでも歩いた
乗り気で水筒なんかを ぶら下げてきた雅敏は
「けどな 俺はおじちゃんが嫌いなんだ
amazarashi 夏を待っていました Lyrics
僕は何だか気まずくなって 目をそらしたんだ
降りだした夕立に走りだす つぶれた無人駅で雨宿り
くだらない話で笑い転げる 嵐の予感に胸が高鳴る
ここに居たくないってのと どこかに行きたいってのは
同じ意味なのかな なんにしろ歩こうか
体育と部活が何より苦手な靖人は とうとう膝を抱えてこう呟いた
「僕はいつも皆に置いてきぼりで 本当にダメなやつでごめんな」
僕らはなんだか笑ってしまった つられて靖人も涙目で笑った
背の高い夏草でかくれんぼ 鬼は迫り来る時間の流れ
僕は今も見つからないままで あの時と同じ膝をかかえて
身長が高くて喧嘩が強い 太平はいつも無茶な遊びを思いつく
「この鉄橋に一番 長くぶら下がったやつの
僕らはびびって出来なかったけど 太平は平気な顔でぶら下がる
高層ビルの下でかくれんぼ あれから何年がたっただろう
もしも今日があの日の続きなら 僕らの冒険を続けなくちゃ

We Were Waiting for Summer

Hey, do you still remember that hot June back when we were young?
We walked along those abandoned rail tracks as far they would take us.
With Masatoshi, excitedly, wearing something like a canteen, bragging about the mountain bike his dad bought him.
“But hey, you know, I hate my old man, cause all he ever does is make mom cry.”
I was a little embarrassed, and I turned my eyes away, because there was a big bruise on Masatoshi's face.
Running through a sudden evening rain, taking shelter in a run-down train station, “What do you want to do tomorrow?” “And the next day?”
We rolled around laughing at pointless stories - my chest throbs as I feel a storm coming.
Back then, we were all, whithout a doubt, waiting for summer.
“I don't want to be here” and “I want to go somewhere”, they both have the same meahing, right? At any hate, let's get going.
Yasuhito was terrible at P.E. and sports more than anything else, and at the end of the day, clutching his knee, whispered, “I'm always holding everyone else back... I'm really sorry for being such a worthless friend”
For some reason, we all broke out laughing.
By the end, even Yasuhito laughed with teary eyes.
Playing hide-and-seek in the tall summer grass, waiting for “it” to finish counting, “Are you all ready?”, “No, not yet!” we'd shout.
Even now, nobody found found me yet, so I clutched my knees just like I did that day, I looked up at the blue sky from my bedroom, and I waited for summer.
Tall in stature and tough in a fight, Taihei was always coming up with ridiculous games: “Whoever can hang from that bridge railing the longest, no matter what they tell us to do, we have do to it!”
We were all too scared, and couldn't do it at all, but Taihei hung there with a without breaking a sweat.
Seven years later, Taihei jumped off a building.
If that's courage, it would have been better if he didn't have it.
Now we're playing hide-and-seek in the shadow of high-rise buildings, and I wonder, how long has is been since those days?
“Are you all ready?” “No, not yet!” There's no voice calling that out anymore.
If today is just a continuation of those days, then I had no choice but to continue my adventure, so I looked up at that June sky, and I waited for summer.