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  • Giuseppe Funaro

    Tutto passa e si scorda → traducción al Inglés

Tamaño de fuente
Revisión solicitada
Letra original
Intercambiar idiomas

Tutto passa e si scorda

Tutto passa e si scorda
Tutto deve finir
Se verrà l’armistizio
Ce ne andremo di qui
Della tuta con croce
Un pacchetto farem
Ed ai repubblichini
Volentier la darem
Proveranno la sveglia
Alle cinque del mattin
Proveranno il bugiolo
Proveranno il frustin
Non vedrem più Tedeschi
Fame non avrem più
Scorderemo l’appello
Se torniamo laggiù

Everything passes and is forgotten

Everything passes and is forgotten
Everything must come to an end
If there will be an armistice
We will leave this place
We'll pack the overall with the cross
And gladly shall give it
To the republicans
They'll feel the reveille
At five in the morning
They'll feel the bucket*)
They'll feel the whip
We won't see Germans anymore
Nor will we be hungry
We'll forget the roll call
If we return down there
El/la autor/a de esta traducción ha solicitado una revisión.
Esto significa que le alegrará recibir correcciones, sugerencias, etc. sobre la traducción.
Si te manejas bien en ambos idiomas, te invitamos a que dejes tus comentarios.
   Mar, 28/09/2021 - 12:20

Thank you. I edited "brugliolo" to "bugliolo" as it is written in antiwarsongs.

   Mar, 28/09/2021 - 15:15

Hi, Maluca,
It's interesting that, because the text is not accompanied by music, I've tried to find this song on other sources; what I've found is - under the same title - a very different version of it, a love song, sung by Nilla Pizzi ( never heard of her), probably in the '40ies.
It's possible that the text you asked to be translated is a "remake", as it happens with famous and catchy schlagers.

   Mar, 28/09/2021 - 15:35

this text was written in a concentration camp, the inmates often took popular songs and changed the lyrics to create songs that related to their experiences in the camps and to uplift their spirit.