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  • Jelena Tomašević

    Život u koferima → traduction en anglais

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Life Carrying Suitcases

Since when did you get here
meeting you here
was the last thing on my mind
For a long time
it was written in your footsteps that
my trips take me to you
we live our life carrying suitcases
it could be better though
Persistently, I love something about you
in every other man
you didn't pass
the sword in the stone
is on the left side
Come on, kiss me
it's only love when it's fair
we're not fit for handling the pain
not every trap is for the same beast
I miss you
every night and morning
For a long time
it was written in my footsteps that
I'm travelling alone
we live our life carrying suitcases
it could be better though
Persistently, I love something about you
in every other man
you didn't pass
the sword in the stone
is on the left side
Come on, kiss me
it's only love when it's fair
we're not fit for handling the pain
not every trap is for the same beast
you didn't pass
the sword in the stone
is on the left side
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Život u koferima

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