La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
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You and I will have much to remember

You and I will have much to remember
After all those slow wasted nights:
I have learned too well the cannon thunder
And the fevered brightness of your eyes.
Those eyes, they are as dark-blue flowers
Growing by the roads of my joy.
Shall we ever meet again my darling
On our roads of endless war and toil?
There will be cannon shells a-bursting
Earth will tremble in convulsive shakes…
Go out, walk that way to harken
Where the fields are crimson with the flames.
You will hear the fateful fight for freedom,
You will see white roads red with blood,
You will watch young men, their faces steely,
March in columns ashen like the night.
They will march through all of this vast country
By the ruined villages and trees,
You’ll remember then your long lost lover,
Him, who had both love and bravery.
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