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  • Lila Downs

    La cumbia del mole → traduction en anglais

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Mole Cumbia

It is said that in Oaxaca Mezcal* is drank with coffee
It is said that in Oaxaca Mezcal is drank with coffee
It is said that herbs can cure wickedness**
It is said that herbs can cure wickedness
I like the mole*** that Soledad is going to grind for me
I like the mole that Soledad is going to grind for me
My dear Soledad
is going to cook a molito for me
under the skies of Monte Alban
At night I dream about you.
My dear Soledad
is going to cook a molito for me
under the skies of Monte Alban
At night I dream about you
It is ground with peanuts
Bread is also ground
Dried almonds are ground
Chilli pepper is ground
and also salt
Chocolate is ground
Cinnamon is ground
Pepper and cloves are ground
The moledera+ grinds
It is said that in Oaxaca chocolate is prepared with water
It is said that in Oaxaca chocolate is prepared with water
It is said that at the party, bulls will be burnt++
It is said that at the party, bulls will be burnt
As an offer to Soledad's passion
As an offer to Soledad's passion
My dear Soledad
is going to cook a molito for me
under the skies of Monte Alban
At night I dream about you.
My dear Soledad
is going to cook a molito for me
under the skies of Monte Alban+++
At night I dream about you
Paroles originales

La cumbia del mole

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (espagnol)

Angela RoseAngela Rose    Ven, 01/01/2021 - 15:47

Hi there, thanks for your translation, very informative! And the starred meanings. Can you speak to what she is meaning for Soledad?
I'm sure it is another pun as she is so poetic.
Thank you!
