La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Gökhan Özen

    Civciv → traduction en anglais

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no, i dont take
i dont be an obstackle to the one who takes
from you there is no good for me
how much fire i made for your love
you dont even have the 'l' of 'love'
thanks to you, my heart is wounded
did you love even for a day so that i would smile
i suffered from your love so much, thats enough
if its possible, we shall not meet again
throw small(piece of feed), so that chicks will eat (nice=) this is a saying means, lie good so that at least some can believe, a kind of sarcasm there is)
how much cool thing you are
it shall take its lesson by getting tired of untrue loves
i wish that your stone heart shall come to my door
Ufak at,ufak at da civcivler yesin
Ne kadar,ne kadar havalı şeysin
Yalan aşklardan yorulup dersini alsın
Dilerim ki o taş kalbin kapıma dayansın
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