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It's beginning to dawn again

It's beginning to dawn again, with an empty head
From the alcohol, I'm goal(I don't know what I'm doing) again, I'm a black mess
The day is dawning, talk is in the air
Another morning in this old life,who is gonna get the bullet
It's beginning to dawn again,plain dizziness
The anger is breaking,everything is cash,others are also passing by
It's beginning to dawn,a black huge multiple crash
People like cotton wastes,what could I want now, want above everything
You,my child,only for you I'm getting drunk
My burnt paper,I only long for you
It's beginning to dawn again,a life like another one
This evening goes by too,look at the heart, it's emitting flames again
It's beginning to dawn and I have a reason to last
Another morning in this old life to have someone to take care of
You, my child...
It's beginning to dawn again, with an empty head
This evening has gone too,look at the heart, it's emitting flames again
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Ξημερώνει πάλι

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