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لا تكذبي

لا تكذبي
إني رأيتكما معا
ودعي البكاء فقد كرهت الأدمعا
ما أهون الدمع الجسور إذا جرى
من عين كاذبة
فأنكر وادَّعى
إني رأيتكما
إني سمعتكما
عيناك في عينيه
في شفتيه
في كفيه
في قدميهِ
ويداكِ ضارعتان
ترتعشان من لهفٍ عليهِ
تتحديان الشوق بالقبلاتِ
تلذعني بسوطٍ من لهيبِ
بالصمت الرهيبِ
ويشبُ في قلبي حريق
ويضيعُ من قدمي الطريقْ
وتطلُ من رأسي الظنونُ تلومني
وتشدُ أذني
فلطالما باركت كذبك كله
ولعنتُ ظني
ماذا أقول لأدمعٍ سفحتها أشواقي إليك؟
ماذا اقول لأضلعٍ مزقتها خوفا عليكِ ؟
أأقول هانت؟
أأقول خانت؟
لو قلتها أشفي غليلي
يا ويلتي
لا، لن أقولَ أنا، فقولي
لا تخجلي
لا تفزعي مني
فلستُ بثائرٍِ
انقذتني من زيفِ احلامي
وغدرِ مشاعري
فرأيت أنكِ كنتِ لي قيداً حرصتُ العمرَ ألا أكسره
ورأيتُ أنكِ كنتِ لي ذنباً سألتُ اللهَ ألا يغفره
كوني كما تبغين
لكن لن تكوني
فأنا صنعتك من هوايَ، ومن جنوني
ولقد برئتُ من الهوى ومن الجنون

La takzeby

Do not lie
I saw you together
Stop crying cause I heated crying
How can brave tears be so weak ..when they come
From a dishonest eyes
They deny and pretend
I saw you
I headed you
Your eyes in his eyes
ِin his lips
In his hands
In his feet
And your hand are rivals
Trembling from wanting him
* * *
you challenge the yearning by kisses..
That blister me with a knout of fire
With whispering…with Ahes…with ogles
With sideglances ….with horrible silence
ْmy heart burns
I loose the road
And the doubts come out of my head ..blaming
Tugging my ears
cause I blessed all your lies
I cursed my doubts
* * *
What can I say to the tears that missing you spilled them
What can I say to the ribs that I ripped frightening on you
Would I say they were cheap?
Would I say they betrayed me?
Would I say it ?
If I say it will relief me
No I will not say it. you say
Do not be ashamed
Do not be afraid of me
I am not angry
You saved me from the false of my dreams
And betraying of my feelings
* * *
ً I saw that you were my band that I worrked all my life not to break
ِyou broke it
You were my guilt that I asked god not to forgive
ِyou forgave it
be as you want to be
But you will not be
Cause I made you from my love and my madness
And I am cured from love and from madness.
Eagles HunterEagles Hunter    Mar, 04/04/2017 - 19:51

There is a mess out here.
The lyrics are mixed up with the translation
We need a moderator to switch the refrains written in English with there equivalents written in Arabic in the English translation

   Mar, 04/04/2017 - 20:26

Done. I took the responsibility to alter the translation as the translator has not been on the site since 2010.