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The sky has brought you to me
The sky has taken you from me
What did hurt me is still hurting me
The days are my walls
The nights are my chains
I still serve you, my love
I still don't let the mists from the mountains take you
I still don't let the water from the depths take you
But you say leave me, stay well
Leave me to oblivion, now adio
The rosemary has blossomed, the white lily has crooked itself
Everything smells like sadness to me
I try to forget, to not think about you
But my heart is sighing after your
I still don't let the mists from the mountains take you
I still don't let the water from the depths take you
But you say leave me, stay well
Leave me to oblivion, now adio
Na, na, naj, na na...
I still don't let the mists from the mountains take you
I still don't let the water from the depths take you
But you say leave me, stay well
Leave me to oblivion, now adio
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