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  • Bosnian Folk

    Akšam Geldi → traduction en anglais

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Akšam Geldi

Akšam geldi, sunce zađe,
na tvom licu osta sjaj.
Akšam geldi, tvoje lice,
od sunašca ljepše sja.
Da mi se je ogrijati,
na ljepoti lica tvog.
Moja draga na šiltetu,
uživa k'o padišah.
A ja nigdje ništa nemam,
ja sam puki siromah.
Akšam geldi, dan se gubi,
moje srce zaman gubi.
Akšam geldi, mrak se sprema,
a za mene sanka nema.

Maghrib Has Come

Maghrib* has come, the sun went down,
The shine is left on your face.
Maghrib has come, your face
Shines more beautiful because of the sun.
I would like to warm myself
Of the beauty of your face.
My dear on šiltets**,
Enjoying like a padishah***.
And I have nothing nowhere,
I'm a mere poor.
Maghrib has come, the day is lost,
My heart loses.
Maghrib has come, the dark is awaiting,
But for me there's no sleep.