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Just the two of us (together yet lonely)

At the end of the truth
At the end of the light
At the end of love
At the end - there you are
(My heart feels empty - a part of me is missing)
Nothing is left
We parted in silence long ago
And as days of 'us' went by
So grew the lie of our love
The longer we stayed together
The farther we grew apart
Lonely - together
We have forgotten how to seek each other
Habit gaggs
Inaction suffocates
Arrogance makes you drunk
and being close starts flights
Dance - my life - dance
Dance with me
dance with me one more time
into the pure flush of naked love
If I see him/her like this
If I experience him/her
If I pay attention
There is something left
And if I find the strength and hope
If I will believe in us
If I will reach out for him/her
Have him/her for myself once more
If the basics - our fundamentals
If we could explore ourselves once again
If he/she only wanted
I do!
Paroles originales

Alleine zu zweit

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (allemand)

Don JuanDon Juan
   Dim, 16/04/2023 - 13:35

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.