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  • Die Prinzen

    Alles mit'm Mund → traduction en anglais

  • 2 traductions
    anglais #1, #2
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Everything by Mouth

She's got hands with fingers attached to them
And she can well finger with them
She's got nice little feet with toes for walking
She's got a butt with two cheeks
So that she can do a good job at sitting down
To the right and the left of her neck
She can perk up her ears
She can also purse her lips, sometimes angularly and sometimes roundly
For she most enjoys doing things the way that we do - by mouth1
And everything by mouth...
She's really quite skilful
I've alredy seen her
Darning her socks
Usually she's upstanding while doing it
As one can hardly lie down while being seated
Or while walking
Tell me, have you ever seen someone
Being erect while sitting down?
Well, I have
But that's not important right now
For when I tell you now
About the kind of things I do
You'll get to hear that I do most things for one single reason:
For I most enjoy doing things the way that you do - by mouth
And everything by mouth...
What I'm telling you now
Is not about
Whether you are fat or slim
Whether you are a cock or a hen
It's about the big picture
It's sometimes down, sometimes round
Sometimes underneath, sometimes above
Sometimes in black and white and sometimes in colour
For I went to a monstration
A so-called de-monstration
And there I realised: All people most enjoy doing things by mouth
And everything by mouth...
  • 1. this song is in sung a capella
Paroles originales

Alles mit'm Mund

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