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To love and to desire

Almost all know how to desire someone
But very few know how to love someone
And so love and desire are not the same
To love means to suffer, to desire means to enjoy
The one who loves pretends to be worth it
The one who loves gives his life
And the one who desires pretends to live without suffering, without suffering
The one who loves does not think it over
he gives it all, he gives it all
The one who desires pretends to have forgotten and to never cry, and never cry
The desire can quickly end
Love does not have an ending
So we all know how to desire someone...
But few know how to love someone
Loving is freedom (sky) and truth (light)
Loving is total fulfillment
It is the unending sea
It is peace and glory
It is peace and glory
The desire is the flesh and youthfulness
It is looking for the unclear corner
It is biting, scratching, and kissing
It is fleeting desire, it is fleeting desire
The one who loves does not think it over
he gives it all, he gives it all
The one who desires pretends to forget and never cry, and never cry
The desire can quickly end
Love does not have an ending
So we all know how to desire someone...
But few know how to love someone...
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