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  • Gavi

    Antídoto → traduction en anglais

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It's not about what
What you have done
It' about my short fuse, severe
Like Tarantino
Please, don't pull the trigger
Show me love, sweetheart?
Or leave me
Just don't come lukewarm to me
Cause it doesn't burn
Beware, you!
Why do we have to tone down?
Take me in sips
You will get used to it
When I lift off
I won't come back, again
Wise up
Cause I am not
Not the type to put up with
Half truths, half desires
It doesn't burn
Beware, you!
Why do we have to tone down?
Take me in sips
You will get used to it
When I lift off
I won't come back, again
Beware, you!
Why do we have to tone down?
Take me in sips
You will get used to it
When I lift off
I won't come back, again
Paroles originales


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Gavi: Top 3
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Antídoto »