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  • Chico Buarque

    Até o Fim → traduction en anglais

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Until the End

When I was born a naughty angel came
An annoying cherub
And enacted that I was fated
To be wrong like so
Right away my road got twisted
But I'll go until the end
Still a boy, I left school
My report card got repealed
I'm not a thief, I'm not good at soccer
I can't notice a trumpet
A good future never expected me
But I'll go until the end
I sure have some progress rehearsed
I became a feast-day singer
My mom told me I'm a big hit
In Quixeramobim1
I have no idea how this party began
But I'll go until the end
On account of some parallel matters
Someone broke my mandolin
They don't want to hear my pains anymore
And my dull voice
I've built a tummy, my mule got balked
But I'll go until the end
I got no cigarettes, I ran out of income
My grass caught the plague
My wife ran away with grocery store owner
What will become of me?
I don't even remember where I'm going anymore
But I'll go until the end
As I told, he was a naughty angel
An annoying cherub
That enacted that I was fated
To be completely bad
Right away my road got twisted
But I'll go until the end.
  • 1. Quixeramobim is small town in northeast Brazil.
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Até o Fim

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