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  • Deichkind

    Aufstand im Schlaraffenland → traduction en anglais

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Uproar In The Land Of Plenty

Uproar in the land of plenty
Come on and raise you guns
I'll set the whole land on fire
I can't stand this any longer, it makes me sick.
Coffee, ground pork and caramel
My heart is fat and racing fast
I cull from the shrub of cigarettes
I have to do it cos I'm a chain-smoker
I set light to the Cognac rain
Because I can't keep living that way.
The roasted chicken flies into my mouth.
I can't stand this any longer, I don't want to, no.
Uproar in the land of plenty
Come on and raise you guns
I'll set the whole land on fire
I can't stand this any longer, it makes me sick.
Swollen, fat women
Nibble from the spaghetti tree
On the white beach made of coke
They sun and keep drawing, drawing, drawing.
I drink from the Vodka waterfall
I trek rioting through the country
I set fire to the whole shit
Because I can't stand this any longer.
Uproar in the land of plenty
Come on and raise you guns
I'll set the whole land on fire
I can't stand this any longer, it makes me sick.
Peope come and protest
The do not want to consume any longer
They bash all the candy
Straight into your kissers
Now they open their traps
Resistance is builded.
They climb on the mountain of cheese
And call for resistance.
Uproar in the land of plenty
Come on and raise you guns
I'll set the whole land on fire
I can't stand this any longer, it makes me sick.
Uproar in the land of plenty
Come on and raise you guns
I'll set the whole land on fire
I can't stand this any longer, it makes me sick.
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Aufstand im Schlaraffenland

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « Aufstand im ... »
algebraalgebra    Sam, 16/07/2011 - 20:11
captainleads a écrit :

When lyrics are put to music (if you can call it that, in some cases) they can be difficult enough to comprehend in their native language. It's a tricky process to transliterate intent and feelings unless the translator is very familiar with the artist. Good songs like poetry are written in compact language. For example, "Aufstand im Schlaraffenland" when translated more literally as it is above can be linguistically "flat." For those who use linear logic translation programs "Schlaraffenland" might come back as untranslatable or as "Sudetenland." These get tossed. A more intense version might be, "Rebellion in paradise."

On the other hand the songwriter may not have the imagination or grasp of his/her native language to pull off lyrics consistent with this example. To us, then it becomes a challenge to anticipate what any individual artist means (or hopes to indicate) with the words. Then there's the instrumental that is supposed to support or show (as in taking great pride in presenting) the lead (or solo) singer.

OK, I tend to over-complicate things. Mea culpa.. But all these factors go into how I feel the finished product. As a result my rating is often lower than others'. Hopefully, this makes sense. Good luck!

p.s. "der Brathahn fliegt in´ Mund hinein" = "The broiler flys into my mouth."
You've got to be kidding, yes? No. Even if it's technically correct to call a "roasted hen/chicken" a broiler, something is lost when using a synonym. This messes up the term, fliegt, That's what most birds do. It has been a long time since I saw an oven fly, which is the first thing some people think when they hear "broiler." But more women than men will get that one right. If the target audience is tweens or rockers you may be out of luck. Just sayin'.
Oh, BTW "flys" is spelled "flies" unless the oven has wings!
pp.s. "sie schmeißen all die Leckereien" = "The do not want to consume any longer".
Oh really? Try again

With regards.

It's OK if you give your suggestions but the use of terms such as "Oh really? Try again" is absolutely unnecessary and sounds like you don't really want to help but depreciate other people's work. Typos and less effective collocations of words are expected when translating. Only remember that you can add your own translation anytime you want when you judge a translation not accurate enough. Besides, as you should know, administrators may ban any user that submits offensive comments.

MaulerMauler    Dim, 11/09/2011 - 11:15

Hey, captain klugscheißer, ich möcht a mal ne übersetzung von dir sehn.
wenn du hier "schlaraffenland" mit "paradise" übersetzt, da kriegst von mir ne note 5-