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  • Sezen Aksu

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Giving Correction

You are either one of us or them1
Now cross this bridge if you can
You are either a friend or enemy
Now, choose your adjective
You are either black or white
Either all in or none, a little is not an option
Either an adversary or a kin, Ouch! My poor head.
You are a hennaed lamb2 and I am a pure goose3
Oh, then, it seems we got burned.4
Then, it seems we are standing right before the muzzle of the cannon5
This way, no, that way
They make you astray
Lets give correction
to ones don't start to behave after warnings6
'I keep my hope'
says sufi Mazhar7
I am on the Mazhar's side.
(I believe) we can blend in little by little (with others)
In case it (blending in) doesn't work we are lone wolves8
As the fact that death exists, being alone is no worries
We were about to serve water-melon9
Swear to God, these (problems between us) are all because of evil eyes.10
Oh, then, it seems we got burned.
Then, it seems we are standing right before the muzzle of the cannon
Here is not tavern Agora11
Here is an open lunatic asylum
It is normal for humans making mistakes12 and crossing the lines13
if they have a pretext which is excused
Oh, then, it seems we got burned.
Then, it seems we are standing right before the muzzle of the cannon
  • 1. One should read these lines as "They say this and that but... ". Obviously the song criticizes this 'othering' and polarizing approach. As a pro-peace person Aksu calls people to unite.
  • 2. Ranchers dye hairs of (especially foreheads of) lambs with henna as a make up. Traditionally (not much contemporary) especially lambs choosen to be sacrificied are decorated with beads and henna because they are an offering.
  • 3. fool. Both lamb and goose are symbols of naivity, to be vulnerable for to be taken advantage of. Lamb is innocent, goose is foolish, silly. Süzme (pure) is used with salak as "süzme salak" (inf.) meaning a complete fool.
  • 4. We are dead. Our feature doesn't seem bright
  • 5. We are about to be blown up
  • 6. A reference to Ziya Pasha's maxim: "Nush ile uslanmayanı etmeli tekdir; tekdir ile uslanmayanın hakkı kötektir"
  • 7. "Benim Hâlâ Umudum Var" a song by Mazhar Alanson, famous Turkish singer, musician, composer and lyrics writer who has an affiliation with a mystic order which is known with musician members. Sufis (mystics) are known with pacifist world views.
  • 8. tek tabanca olmak (being a single gun), a metaphor for someone who acts alone.
  • 9. Don't go, stay a little more. According to rules of traditional Turkish etiquette the guests ask for permission to leave and the host and hostess insist them to stay more, as a token of hospitality. This repeats a few times before the guests actually go. Host and hostess offers many kinds of courses and treats to guests one after another, e.g. tea, coffee, cookies, fruits etc. and when it gets late and the guests excuse themselves (in summer) the host/hostess says "Please stay a little more, be seated, we were about to serve water-melon". With modernization and changing rules of etiquette "daha karpuz kesecektik" became a joke about customs or etiquette.
  • 10. Nazar/evil eye is the most common and rooted superstition among Turkish people. When a bad thing happens to a person, s/he blames evil eyes (of jealous people) and never any wrong-doing of the person her/himself.
  • 11. A reference to the very well-known neo-classical song Agora Meyhanesi (Agora is the name of the tavern): "Burası Agora meyhanesi. Burada yaşar aşkların en divanesi, en şahanesi..." Here is Tavern Agora. Here lives the craziest and the most magnificient love of all loves.
  • 12. Proverb "Beşer şaşar"
  • 13. Idiom çizmeyi aşmak means audacity
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