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Batti batti o bel Masetto

Batti, batti, o bel Masetto,
La tua povera Zerlina;
Starò qui come agnellina
Le tue botte ad aspettar.
Lascierò straziarmi il crine,
Lascierò cavarmi gli occhi,
E le care tue manine
Lieta poi saprò baciar.
Ah, lo vedo, non hai core!
Pace, pace, o vita mia,
In contento ed allegria
Notte e dì vogliam passar,
Sì, notte e dì vogliam passar.

Beat, Beat, Handsome Masetto

Beat, beat, oh handsome Masetto,
Your poor Zerlina;
I'll stay here, as a little sheep,
To wait for your blows.
I'll let (you) lacerate my (horse)hair,
I'll let (you) take out my eyes,
And your dear little hands
I'll be then be happily able to kiss.
Ah, I see that, you have no heart!
Peace, peace, oh my life,
In happiness and in gaiety
Night and day - we want to spend,
Yes, night and day - we want to spend.
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