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  • Negative (Finland)

    Believe → traduction en serbe

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God it's been so long
Since we tried to get along
So many things we're left unsaid
That's why I found myself today
I'm wondering how you feel
Do you ever think of me
When you're touching someone else?
Is it hard to believe?
It was all in me, was it something I said
Or something I did
So many roads to go
But only one will lead us home
Gotta face it all alone
Try to make it on my own
It is hard to believe?
It was all in me, was it something I said
Or something I did
Now it's all coming back to me
And the time has gone by and I see
So selfish I know I can be
Broken your trust in me
I just refuse to believe
God it's been so long
Since we tried to get along gotta face it all alone
Try to make it on my own
It is hard to believe?...
Believe. Believe.


Boze puno je proslo
otkad smo pokusali da se snadjemo
tako puno stvari smo ostavili neizrecenima
zbog toga preispitujem sebe danas
pitam se kako se osecas
da li ikada razmisljas o meni
kada dodirujes nekog drugog ?
Je li tesko za poverovati ?
sve je to bilo do mene, da li nesto sto sam rekao
ili nesto sto sam ucinio
Jako puno puteva za krenuti
ali samo jedan vodi nas domu
treba da se suocim s tim sasvim sam
da probam to da uradim na moj nacin
Tesko je za poverovati ?
sve je to bilo do mene,da li nesto sto sam rekao
ili nesto sto sam ucinio
sada mi se sve to vraca nazad
vreme je proslo i ja vidim
znam kako sebican mogu da budem
tvoje poverenje u mene sruseno
jednostavno odbijam da poverujem
Boze puno je proslo
otkad smo pokusali da se sndjemo ,
treba da se suocim s tim sasvim sam
da probam to da uradim na moj nacin
Tesko je za poverovati ?
Negative (Finland): Top 3