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This is a word that seems to have been invented for her,
When she dances and when she exposes her body to the day, just like
A bird which outspreads its wings to get off the ground.
This is when I feel the hell, opening up under my feet
I've looked under her Gypsy dress.
What else is there to ask Virgin Mary for?
Is the one who'll throw the first stone at her?
They do not deserve to stay on Earth.
Oh, Lucifer!
Let me, just once,
Run my fingers through the hair of Esmeralda.
Is it the devil who has incarnated into her
To tear my eyes from the eternal God?
Who has put into my being this carnal desire
To prevent me from looking to the Heaven?
She carries the original sin in herself
Is desiring her a crime for me?
The one who they considered a funny girl, a jade
Suddenly seems to carry the cross of the humanity
O, Virgin Mary!
Let me, just once,
Open the door to the garden of Esmeralda.
Despite her big black eyes which bewitch you
Would the lady still be a virgin?
When her movements show me mountains and miracles
Under her underskirt of the colours of the rainbow
My Dulcinea, let me be unfaithful to you
Before I lead you down the aisle
A man would tear his regard from her
Under penalty of being turned into a pillar of salt
O, Fleur-de-Lys,
I'm not a man of my word
I'm going to pluck the flower of Esmeralda's love
I've looked under her Gypsy dress
What else is there to ask Virgin Mary for?
Is the one who'll throw a stone at her?
They don't deserve to stay on Earth.
Oh, Lucifer!
Let me, just once,
Run my fingers through the hair of Esmeralda.
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Aidez à traduire « Belle »
Notre-Dame de Paris (Musical): Top 3
Expressions idiomatiques dans « Belle »
Dancer_on_the_GlassDancer_on_the_Glass    Ven, 13/04/2018 - 07:14

Followed the link just to see what the translation was like for which the previous voter had given 2 stars. And I don't know, this translation might have undergone major corrections or something since being posted, but if that is not the case, such an injustice must be corrected. The vocabulary is good, rich and stylistically appropriate, however, I shall not put five stars due to minor grammar inaccuracies. And I see worse translations, like, all the time here...