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Until My World Shuts Its Eyes

I saw you one time and discovered you forever
I asked you once, and you told me “yes” forever
We look to the stars, though down here we’re the ones who shine
Most wander alone, but now I wander with you
Until my world shuts its eyes, I will love you
Until my world shuts its eyes, I will give everything for you
You lie next to me--we laughed away tears
Our burdens are lifted--who would have thought that yesterday?
We wander quietly through the night, and we do not need much
We were almost ships passing in the night, and then our hearts embraced
We hide in the grass, celebrate the rain thunderously
We only need each other—for once, we feel alive again
Until my world shuts its eyes, I will love you
Until my world shuts its eyes, I will give everything for you
You lie next to me—we laughed away tears
Our burdens are lifted--who would have thought that yesterday?
Until my world shuts its eyes, I will love you
Until my world shuts its eyes, I will give everything for you
You lie next to me--we laughed away tears
Our burdens are lifted--who would have thought that yesterday?
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Bis meine Welt die Augen schließt

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