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    Buoni sconto → traduction en anglais

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Buoni sconto

Hanno intasato la città
di buoni e innocenti
che spiegano che ha un senso
lo schifo
in cui ti senti
Giustificano la scelta
si vestono bene
ci giudicano male
Hanno venduto giacche
a masse di pezzenti
in modo che diffondono
lo stile dei potenti
Tu non ci sei più
è tutto in automatico
felice pulito
positivista statico
Stiamo affilando questi coltelli
stiamo scaldandoci
Hanno diviso in zone
in classi ed in capitoli
hanno inventato i nomi hanno cambiato i titoli
È fatto così il mondo degli stupidi
il più stupido poi comanda sugli stupidi
Stiamo affilando questi coltelli stiamo scaldandoci
Stiamo iniettando sangue di lupo
nella tua macchina
Buoni sconto nelle mani
mi si attaccano alle dita
Non ho gusto nell’acquisto
ma c’ho gusto nella vita
sconto appesi ad un filo
come scopo di una vita
Non ho gusto nell’acquisto
situazione definitiva

Coupons ( updated )

They clogged the city
of good and innocent ones
which explain that it makes sense
the disgust that you feel
They justify the western choice
they dress well
they judge us wrong
They sold jackets
to masses of beggars
so they spread
the style of the powerful
You are no longer there
there it's all automatic
happy clean
static positivist
We're sharpening these knives
we are heating up
They have split into zones
in classes and chapters
they invented the names , they have changed the titles
This is the stupids' world
the most stupid then commands the stupid
We are sharpening these knives
we are heating up
We're injecting wolf blood
in your car
Discount coupons in my hands
they stick to my fingers
I have no taste in the purchase
but I enjoy it in life
Coupons hanging from a thread
as a purpose of a life
I have no taste in the purchase
It's a definitive situation
L’auteur·e de cette traduction a demandé une relecture. Cela signifie qu’il ou elle sera ravi·e de recevoir des remarques, corrections, suggestions, etc. Si vous avez des notions dans ces deux langues, n’hésitez pas à ajouter un commentaire.
Don JuanDon Juan
   Mar, 14/11/2017 - 19:01

The only difference between this and the other copy of the translation you added are: 'the suck where you feel' vs. 'the disgust that you feel' (l.4) and 'Discount coupons in my hands' vs. 'Discount coupons in your hands' (l.35). If you want to edit minor stuff like you did here, please don't add a new translation, simply edit the one you had already added. I have removed the 'previous' translation now.

Berny DevlinBerny Devlin
   Mar, 14/11/2017 - 21:00

Thank you, I tried to remove the previous translation, without success. You did a very right thing...Ciao!

MichaelNaMichaelNa    Mar, 14/11/2017 - 21:15
Berny Devlin a scris:

Thank you, I tried to remove the previous translation, without success. You did a very right thing...Ciao!

You don't need to remove it, you can simply go back and write over or modify any of you translations after your initial posting.