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It was winter

She said: "I've walked too much
My heart is too heavy with secrets
Too heavy with troubles "
She said: "I don't continue anymore
That which awaits me, I have already lived through it
It's more pain "
She said that life was cruel
She no longer believed in the sun
Or the silence of the churches
And even my smiles frightened her
It was winter in in the depths of her heart
She said that life was cruel
She no longer believed in the sun
Or the silence of the churches
And even my smiles frightened her
It was winter in in the depths of her heart
The wind has never been colder
The rain more violent than that night
The evening of her twenty years
The evening when she put out the fire
Behind the façade of her eyes
In a white flash
She has surely met the sky
She shines next to the sun
Like new churches
And so since that night I cry
That it's cold
In the depths of my heart
She has surely met the sky
She shines next to the sun
Like new churches
And so since that night I cry
That it's cold
In the depths of my heart
Paroles originales

C’était l’hiver

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (français)

EffilyEffily    Lun, 26/12/2011 - 17:13

Well, it's not perfect, there are a few mistakes, but apart from this, that's pretty good ! :)