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  • Julio Jaramillo

    Canto por no llorar → traduction en anglais

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I sing not to cry

A cold night
next to my window,
I felt a fluttering of wings,
It was a dove that fell
after flying so much..
I sheltered her in my chest, where she found
the love within my heart,
and then, after she was loved,
the ungreatful left
taking along all my love.
I sing not to cry
and augment my grief,
this sorrow of love, with my song,
I want to uproot from my heart.
I sing not to cry
for that love I gave her,
and some day, perhaps,
her cruelty will pay
for all the suffering she caused me.
Today, the villagers tell
that in that ranch
it is all dead,
the windows aren't open anymore
everything is loneliness.
And in cold nights,
while the wind roars,
there, a voice is always heard
that running through the plains,
sadly sings a song, this way:
I sing not to cry
and augment my grief,
this sorrow of love, with my song,
I want to uproot from my heart.
I sing not to cry
for that love I gave her,
and some day, perhaps,
her cruelty will pay
for all the suffering she caused me.
Paroles originales

Canto por no llorar

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